Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Quickly I Forget...

Jared has always teased me about my long-term memory…it just doesn’t exist.  Of course I can remember the important and monumental things that have happened in my life, the details just might be a bit blurry.  To test this fact, Jared will ask me, “Name three movies you have seen.”  And my answer usually is, “The Notebook, Alice in Wonderland and The Lion King!”  Lame I know, but it’s just one of the many flaws of my character.  So one of the periods in our married life that I tend to forget that has come rushing back to me this week….LAW SCHOOL!!!  I guess in all the excitement about moving to this foreign land, I began to forget the reason…MORE SCHOOL!!!  I’ve been completely and fully reminded this week.  

Jared has been in school from 8AM – 5PM every day this week and then off to important Harry Potter style dinners (see below) that the ever-supporting spouses are not invited to.  Rude, I know!  Once Jared gets home, I ask for a play-by-play of his day (my daily dose of entertainment), then he locks himself in his “office” to study into the wee hours of the morning.  Once again, I will say that I’m extremely proud of Jared and he has a desire to learn that I will never obtain.  

While Jared was in law school, I had a wonderful job where I officed from home but it did have its down-side.  As I had just moved to a new city, I didn’t have the opportunity to meet new friends and co-workers like most people because I was home all day.  So this week has been a scary parallel to those days.  But keep in mind, during those days 6 years ago, I could hop in my car and run to a certain store with that wonderful red bull's eye logo and shop the night away.  Not here ladies!  I know you are all shedding a tear for me.  Don’t worry, eBay UK is a great thing!

Jared was very disappointed that the pictures on the wall did not talk!

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