Saturday, February 12, 2011

Halfway Day

The Oxford school year consists of three terms, and each term is eight weeks long. Last week was the fourth week of the second term, so that made Friday was "halfway day"! To celebrate, we went to Far from the Maddening Crowd (a pub) with some of my MLF classmates.
I am not sure why Anurag decided to stack glasses, but the pub staff was not impressed.
Also, when we woke up this morning, we saw something we have not seen much of lately...
Sunshine!  Glorious sunshine!
To take advantage of the great weather, we walked over to South Park. South Park is the largest park in Oxford and the top of its hill gives a view of the city and the "dreaming spires" of Oxford.

Also, I think I found out why basketball has yet to catch on in this country:
Seriously?  You couldn't even practice free throws on this.

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